Many of you have probably heard by now that the bottom of your feet contains powerful and direct access points to the internal organs in your body. The Chinese medicine calls them meridians, and they represent pathways to each organ within your body.
Even though some people are skeptical about these beliefs, those who understand Chinese medicine know that the meridian system is very closely correlated with the nervous system.
There is a great number of different nerve endings located on the feet (approximately 7,000 meridians) which can be linked directly to different organs. They act as very powerful electrical circuits in the body.
Yet, they are often dormant, since we wear shoes and don’t use acupuncture in order to encourage the meridians or nerves. Due to this, walking barefoot is highly advisable, with the aim to stimulate the meridians on the bottom of your feet as well as to ground yourself with the earth’s negative ion field.
Therefore, the feet are probably the most favorable place for action.
Garlic and onions are well-known air purifiers and they kill germs and bacteria when they’re applied to the skin topically. Moreover, the phosphoric acid, the substance in onion which makes you cry when you cut it open, is extremely important, as it enters the bloodstream and helps to purify the blood.
In England, during plagues, people would chop onions and leave them in the room to purify the air and improve their immune system in order to be protected from infections, flu and other health issues.
Now, we will present to you a way to use onions in order to purify your blood and kill germs and bacteria. Note that you should use organic onions because they’re free of pesticides and other chemicals that you don’t want to be in direct contact with your body and to enter your bloodstream all night. This method is very easy and quick:
You need to cut the onions into flat slices so that they can be applied to the bottom of your entire foot (like a platform). Then, put a slice of onion in each sock and go to sleep! This is all!
During the night, the natural healing power of the onion will work through your skin (trans-dermal application) purifying your blood, killing bacteria and germs, as well as absorbing toxins! It will also help to purify the air in your room.
Absorb toxins and chemicals
While you sleep, this onion coating around your feet will absorb toxins and chemicals.
Purifies your blood
The phosphoric acid from the onions purifies the blood, when absorbed through the skin.
Kills bacteria, germs and pathogens
Onions and garlic can kill bacteria, germs and pathogens, since they both have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral benefits.
In some cases onion juice can be a great remedy for cracked heals, you just need to massage onion juice on your heels as it has some great healing properties and is known to benefit the heels.
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