Hershey Is Dumping GM Sugar Beets & Going GMO Free!

Did you know, apparently a lot of the Hershey’s kisses in our stockings this year contained sugar NOT made from beets. I’m happy to report that the Hershey Co. decided earlier this year to stop using beet sugar grown from GM seeds. As we, their customer base, do not like it, they decided to listen. However, the sugar beet farmers and their co-ops are starting to get a little worried.

With sales from 2014 were $7.4 billion, and with more than 80 brands of candy sold around the world, the decision was significant enough to attract the attention of many. President and CEO of American Crystal Sugar- the nation’s largest sugar beet co-op- feels that the GM “movement” is their biggest challenge and Kurt Wickstrom, president and CEO of Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative claims that anti-GM groups are a “threat whose claims need to be countered”.

From the Tribune article: (linked below)
“There’s this perception out there that GM is bad for people and bad for the environment, when that’s just not what the science says,” said Todd Geselius, vice president of agriculture at the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative near Renville. “To the best of my knowledge, nobody’s ever gotten so much as the sniffles from eating a GM product.”
Sniffles? Perhaps not, but research has shown much, much worse in lab animals. Thankfully, GMO Inside, a coalition of groups, began a campaign in 2013 asking consumers to tell Hershey (and Mars, another large candy manufacturer) to drop GM ingredients from their products. While they don’t currently have plans to target other companies about sugar, they did previously target General Mills and were successful in getting them to switch to non-GM sugar and are now also asking them to make Honey Nut Cheerios a GM-free product.
Sadly, even if this desire to abandon GM beet sugar spreads, and sugar beet growers wanted non-GM seed- they’d likely be out of luck as the supply of non- GM seed isn’t a viable option and it would take years to produce. What a mess we’ve made letting Monsanto and the likes into our food chain supply. However, it seems we have reason to hope as big corporations are finally listening to us. We can create change. Let’s keep up the good work! We have the right to want better food for ourselves and our families.

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By Erin Elizabeth via Health Nut News
 Source: Star Tribune