Pesticide Industry Is Bribing Journalists To Lie About Serious Health Claims. Who Can We Trust?

After a Washington Post food columnist admitted getting paid off by pro-agrichemical industry sources, US RTK decided to take a look into three other journalists who might be in league with other similar companies. 
On September 23rd, Washington Post food columnist Tamar Haspel admitted to receiving “plenty”of money from pro-agrichemical industry sources.
These reporters appear in the context of Jon Entine, who is perhaps the leading PR operativeworking to promote the views of the agrichemical industry, and its pesticides and GMOs. Entine is founder and executive director of the Genetic Literacy Project, which, along with the PR firmKetchum’s GMO Answers, are the agrichemical industry’s two most visible front groups.

Amy Harmon

Amy Harmon is a reporter for the New York Times.  She was part of a Times team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2001, and in 2008 she won a Pulitzer for explanatory reporting.
On September 23, 2013 at 7:44pm, Jon Entine emailed Renee Kester: “FYI, I think I’ve talked Amy Harmon into doing a Hawaii Hawaii [sic] story. . .  and I gave her your and Kirby’s email information, so she may call at some point if she indeed pursues this.” Kirby Kester is president of the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, an agrichemical industry front group.

Keith Kloor

Keith Kloor is a freelance journalist who has written for NatureScience InsiderDiscoverSlate and other outlets.  Kloor has written many pro-GMO articles that have been featured by Jon Entine’s Genetic Literacy Project.
In one email, Jon Entine refers to Keith Kloor as a “very good friend of mine”.

Tamar Haspel

Tamar Haspel is a columnist at the Washington Post.  She has written many columns for the Postdefending or praising GMOs that have later been featured by Jon Entine’s Genetic Literacy Project.
In a September 23 chat hosted by the Washington Post, answering a question about whether she receives money from industry sources, Ms. Haspel wrote that, “I speak and moderate panels and debates often, and it’s work I’m paid for.”

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