Home remedies for ear infections, especially in young children, can be very effective.
Of course, it goes without saying that if anyone, especially a child, is in severe pain, exhibiting a very high fever, or displaying symptoms which alarm you, you should seek medical attention promptly. But if it’s a case of mild pain, the kind which prompts a lot of grizzling, then there are some simple, safe home remedies which will frequently sooth an ear infection and result in a swift and easy cure.
The application of mild heat
It’s almost an instinctive thing, isn’t it, when you have a pain in your ear to want to put something warm against it? Warmth soothes the pain and can also help draw out infection. A heat pad, a warm washcloth, a hot water bottle wrapped in a cloth, all can be easily applied to a painful ear. Another very good idea is a warmed bag of salt – put about half a pound of salt in a cotton bag, you can easily make one out of a large handkerchief.
Be very careful when using heat with young children, make sure that they are able to tell you or show you if it’s too hot. Err on the side of caution at all times, and never leave a young child alone with a source of heat.
Rest and quiet
Again, this is an instinctive thing; we just know for ourselves that resting in a quiet atmosphere helps our body fight infection. If you have a family member with earache, encourage them to take things easy. Bed rest is ideal, but if the patient is resistant to that idea, then at least have them lie on the sofa and take things easy.
Children, even those who are in pain, can be hyperactive. Try as much as possible to keep them quiet, allow them to watch favorite dvds (even if they go over their tv allowance) buy some simple cheap coloring books, read to them – it’s worth bending the rules and spending time to make sure the young patient stays calm and rests.
Ear drops
Ear drops can be extremely helpful. Warmed olive oil with a drop or two of garlic juice may sound like the basis for a good sauce, but it’s also remarkably soothing dropped into an infected ear. Gently place some real cotton wool in the ear after this treatment to allow the garlicy oil to penetrate and do its work. Lie on the side which is painful to allow the ear to drain. Garlic has mild anti bacterial and anti microbial properties which will combat infection.
You could also try my favorite, tea tree oil, this will help if the infection is bacterial in origin, but, it can be irritating for sensitive baby skin, so use with caution. Please Note: Before using ear drops on a child with tubes in his or her ears, do consult your doctor.
Remove pillows
If you are used to having lots of pillows, remove them, and just have one thin one or none at all. This flatter position will help infected matter drain away.
Steam baths
Ear infection can be associated with colds, nasal infections and sore throats. A few drops of peppermint and eucalyptus oil in boiling hot water creates a lovely steam which, when breathed in, can be a great pain reliever and general head clearer. Keep a towel over your head to make a kind of mini Turkish bath.
General diet tips to avoid ear infections – one of the best home remedies
A heart healthy diet, low in sugar with plenty of fruit and vegetables, will aid in fighting infection in general. Avoid processed foods, especially those with hydrogenated oils. Increasing levels of vitamin C, preferably by eating vitamin c rich fruits and vegetables like oranges and spinach, is a big boost to the immune system. Take a zinc supplement; this is thought to help in fighting ear infections.
All in all, there are plenty of things you can try at home, but again, if pain is severe, or you are concerned in any way, it is by far the best course to consult your doctor or alternative practitioner.
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