Even Doctors Are Amazed by This Remedy: It Prevents Heart Attack, Lowers Cholesterol And Boost Your Immune System

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The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used as an efficient folk remedy for thousands of years. The Egyptians used it in treatment of wounds, the Greeks to prolong their lifespan, and the Indians to maintain a healthy body balance. All these people knew about the medicinal properties of both honey and cinnamon.

Even modern medicine confirms their health benefits, and this all-natural mix has been approved by health experts and nutritionists since it can treat numerous conditions and illnesses.

These two powerful natural ingredients can be used in various health conditions, including colds and flu, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder infections and arthritis.

Relieve colds

In order to treat common colds, mix a tablespoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. The consumption of the combination of honey and cinnamon will relieve cold, chronic cough and sinus congestion.

Strengthen your immune system

Consume these ingredients regularly every day in order to boost your immune system. They naturally protect your body from bacterial and viral infections.

Reduce cholesterol
By mixing two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon in a large cup of water you will successfully address high cholesterol levels. Your cholesterol levels will decrease by 10% in only two hours.

Treat cardiovascular disease

Regular consumption of a little honey and cinnamon spread on a slice of bread instead of marmalade or jam in the morning will help you lower your blood cholesterol levels and prevent the risk of cardiac arrest.

Cure gallbladder infections

You can treat gallbladder infection by regular consumption of a mixture made of a cup of boiled water, to which you one large tablespoon of honey and two tablespoon of cinnamon.

Fight arthritis

Chronic arthritis can be treated by regular consumption of a similar mixture to the one above, made of a cup of boiled water, to which you add two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon. You need to drink this combo twice a day, in the morning and evening.

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By Healthy Food House

Source: www.healthylifetricks.com