China’s Wind Farms Can Produce More Energy Than America’s Nuclear Plants

The corporate controlled media has intentionally downplayed the value of wind power when it is actually one of the most viable options for electricity generation on the planet.

China's nuclear power program is a giant.  By 2020, it is assumed that energy output in their nuclear sector will triple.  However, outlying factors have made sure that other forms of energy production, particularly their wind power sector, will keep on the mainstream.

After the 2011 Fukushima disaster, China stopped production of all nuclear power plants in their western earthquake zones.  Also, in the north, water used to cool the reactors is limited.  In addition, protests in eastern China are putting constant pressure on the government to curb their nuclear power plant construction.

Last year, China's wind power plant production increased 16% and was able to power 110 million homes, with a capacity of 115 gigawatts of power, more than their nuclear sector's 20 gigawatts and more than the 99 US nuclear power plants' 98 gigawatt capacity.

China's current goal is to produce 200 gigawatts of power by 2020.  J. Matthew Roney at the Earth Policy Institute explains, "China is building the world’s largest ultra-high-voltage transmission system, which is connecting remote, wind-rich northern and western provinces to the more populous central and eastern ones. At the same time, the government is providing incentives for wind farm development in less-windy areas nearer to population centres. Advances in wind power technology can allow greater capture of energy in spots without the strongest wind resources.”

It's very exciting to see the world's most populous country also producing extremely large amounts of clean energy.

Below is a time-lapse video of the construction of the world's largest wind farm, in the Philippines, with some intense music

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