How You Can Get Paid $3,000+ A Week To Smoke Weed

But there's a catch..

There is a lot of myth and misconception out there about the use of marijuana and while if you abuse it there can be bad side effects, the same rings true for alcohol, prescription drugs, cheeseburgers and just about anything else on the planet.

Marijuana is now being widely accepted as having medicinal properties and even the mainstream media are starting to accept that it is not just something for teenage no hopers, who want to spend all of their waking hours getting baked.

But the legalisation of marijuana has come with an unexpected twist. I am sure most people who like to have a smoke would happily sit and smoke for free, but they are now offering clinical trials and other jobs which will not only see you getting high as a kite, but you will also get paid for doing so. But some of it comes with a catch..

A National Research Center has been commissioned by the National Institute of Marijuana Research in which participants will be paid $3,000 a week to see what effects marijuana has on the body. According to researchers they intend to find out if marijuana can relieve stress while still allowing you to function at a normal level.

“This is one of the first, very promising studies, that will finally reveal the answer of the age old acquisition that stoners are ‘Just Lazy’,” said lead researcher Michael Gregory. “It’s an exciting new study that may push the legality of marijuana to all 50 states.” Each participant will be staying at the facility for a six months period, while doing various activities like- performing choirs, reading, and watching TV, while being evaluated by medical staff. (link to study)

The national institute for drug abuse have run 13 human trials, some of which they have received over $1 million of funding for. There are also hundreds of active clinical trials which are being completed on a broad range of subjects ranging from finding out the effects of cannabis, all the way up to using it for cancer research. (link to study 1,2)

But, there’s something else to it. says: Here’s where the other shoe drops.. The study is ultimately going to evaluate a medication meant to curb marijuanas’ so called “addiction”. Stoners will be put under the microscope to see if N-acetylcysteine, an over the counter supplement that was once used to treat schizophrenia and gambling addiction can end a smoker’s addiction to weed.

Lead researcher, Kevin Gray indicated, “This is one of the first promising medications for marijuana dependency.”

There are different ways

There are also other more creative ways the cannabis connoisseur can get paid for smoking. Oregon Live recently published a position for a freelance pot smoker to review and write about different strains of cannabis-

“The candidate should be an experienced cannabis consumer with deep knowledge about the variety of strains and products available on the Oregon market. The items would appear 2-4 times a month on OregonLive and/or The Oregonian. “ (link to study)

The Denver post also offered a similar position:

“We are absolutely hiring a freelance pot critic. And a freelance pot advice columnist. And a freelance video game writer. What we’re doing here is covering cannabis culture and news from a professional, journalistic and critical point of view. If you think you have something to offer: rbaca(at)” (link to study)

There are also over 800 jobs that you can find online at some of these jobs include:

Budtenders, which are kind of like bar tenders only your serving herbs, not liquid drugs. Master growers, which as you can imagine are the people who have the knowledge to grow cannabis. Marijuana doctors, this is a position for medically certified marijuana doctors. There are even positions for those who just want to cut, dry and bag the buds.

So regardless of your views on cannabis, it is here and seems to be getting more accepted as a recreational way to wind down and relax. It is also being used for countless medicinal uses and seems to have given birth to a new economy. So if you are a cannabis enthusiast you can now get paid for your time!

Do you smoke, recreationally or medically? Are you for or against Marijuana? Does it make you lazy? Or is it just a myth? Let me know your views by leaving me a comment below! 
About the Author
My name is Luke Miller I am a spiritual life hacker and the creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology & spirituality to help you create more happiness in life. I believe that spirituality is the foundations for good health & once you get a good spiritual connection it is easier to live life on your terms and perform at your peak. You can get your hands on my free eBook which teaches you how to create happiness, spiritually connect, perform at your peak and live life on your terms by going to this here link.

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Image Credit: Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

This was originally featured on Truth Theory

This article has been slightly edited.

By The Mind Unleashed