Recognize This Plant? It Gives You Third Degree Burns If You Touch It, And It's Spreading

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Heracleum mantegazzianum, better known as giant hogweed, originally comes from the Caucasus Region and Central Asia but has since been transported to the West.

It is part of the carrot family but is not so friendly. The sap on its leaves, roots, flower heads and stem hairs can cause blistering, burns and scars if they touch bare skin as well as blindness if we get it into our eyes.

Because this plant is so lethal the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 has outlawed planting or aiding in the growth of giant hogweed in England. the USDA actually ranks giant hogweed higher, in terms of toxicity, than plants like poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac amongst others.

The good news is this plant is not that common but it is spreading and it is wise to be aware of it and avoid it at all costs. If you are exposed to it, wash the area immediately, avoid sunlight and if symptoms persist go see a doctor immediately.

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