Is it really possible that there are natural alternative treatments to radiation and chemo that can help fight and even cure cancer? The only way to really find out if this is at all possible is to turn to the survivors themselves and see what they have to say.
Vernon Johnston was told by doctors that he was going to die soon, but refusing to accept their answer he searched for an alternative and refused to simply give up.
Using baking soda he cured his prostate STAGE 4 cancer, which was so bad it even spread into his bone marrow.
Vernon explained that high toxin levels in society, including the contaminated water, the convoluted food supply, harmful vaccines, and poisoned air, people are dying all over the world.
Vernon's brother, Larry, knew a bit about fighting cancer and told him that "he should try to increase the pH in the body, because cancer cannot be developed in an alkaline environment." Vernon decided to follow his advice, bought cesium chloride to increase the pH-level in his system and opted out of conventional treatment.
Unfortunately, during transport the cesium chloride which he had ordered was lost, and with no time to waste, he looked for another option.
Vernon decided on baking soda and molasses but the full treatment included a diet high in alkalinity, minerals, vitamin supplements and sunlight along with baking soda and molasses. This was all recorded in Vernon’s diary.
The cheapest, the safest and perhaps the most effective remedy that exists for treating the cancer disease is sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) which has no negative effects and can only help in the fight against cancer.
Maple syrup (or molasses) allows baking soda to enter into the cancer cells to attack them with alkalinity and destroy them. Most alternative cancer treatments do not permit sugar though, since it usually feeds cancer cells.
Vernon says that acidity must be cleansed from the body in the case of cancer. Baking soda is the absolute best solution to create an alkaline environment within the body.
After a few weeks of this natural treatment Vernon cured his cancer!
He has decided now to tell the world about his success story. Please share it with others.