Leave it to an American tourist to do this...
The internet has been outraged by the unlawful gruesome beheading, skinning and murder of one of Africa's most popular Lion's, Cecil of Zimbabwe, who was found dead on July 1st.
The Guardian reported that:
The 13-year-old lion was wearing a GPS collar as part of a research project that Oxford University has been running since 1999, making it possible to trace its last movements when it was tricked into leaving the park and shot with a bow and arrow. The hunters then tracked the dying animal for 40 hours before they killed it with a rifle.
Bait, in the form of a freshly killed animal, was used to tempt Cecil out of the park, a technique commonly used so that hunters can “legally” kill protected lions…
The Oxford University study was looking into the impact of sports hunting on lions living in the safari area surrounding the national park. The research found that 34 of 62 tagged lions died during the study period. 24 were shot by sport hunters. Sport hunters in the safari areas surrounding the park killed 72% of tagged adult males from the study area.
The chairman for the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force,Johnny Rodrigues had this to say about the murder;
“Cecil’s death is a tragedy, not only because he was a symbol of Zimbabwe but because now we have to give up for dead his six cubs, as a new male won’t allow them to live so as to encourage Cecil’s three females to mate... The two people who accompanied the hunter have been arrested but we haven’t yet tracked down the hunter, who is Spanish... It’s a tragedy that we are taking something that belongs to future generations and shooting these animals just because somebody is on an ego trip and they can afford it,”
Cecil was view as an symbol of Zimbabwe and his murder is a heart break for the people. Although there is much debate regarding whether the American and his team knowingly murdered the lion illegally Rodrigues had this to say;
“How do you bait an animal out of its habitat to kill it and consider it legal?"The land owner and safari owner have both been arrested, but Rodrigues says they won’t face any serious charges,because they are rich.
“They should be charged with poaching,” he said. “If you’re a local and you kill an animal without a license you get between two and five years in prison.”So what do you guys think? Was it an accident? Did he really think it was legal? I highly doubt it and, by doing a simple Google search, it seems to me he just likes killing beautiful animals which he has a long history of doing.
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